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새 소식

북녘 | Sworn Enemy of Korean Nation

페이지 정보

작성자 편집국 작성일23-05-27 10:41 댓글0건


Sworn Enemy of Korean Nation


Japan, an insular country, has committed crimes against the Korean people for ages.

Jo Hui Sung, candidate academician, professor\and PhD, researcher of the History Institute of the Academy of Social Sciences, said about the cursed crimes committed by the Japanese imperialists as follows:

It was the end of the 11th century, 1093 to be exact, that Japan stretched out its first tentacles of aggression to Korea. According to the records of Koryosa (History of Koryo), an inspector of the then Sohae Province reported that a patrol unit captured a Japanese ship. Found in the ship were bows\and arrows, knives, swords, helmets, mercury, pearls, sulfur, conch horns\and others. No doubt they must be used in invading our frontier.

This reveals the deep-rooted history of Japan to invade Korea.

Later, hundreds of\or sometimes thousands of Japanese pirates intruded into Korea by ships\and committed massacre, incendiary attacks, pillage\and abduction in different parts of the country.

According to the records on their atrocities committed in 1380, a crowd of Japanese pirates attacked several areas\and massacred Koryo people, with the result that their corpses were strewn all round the mountains\and fields.

During the Imjin Patriotic War at the end of the 16th century, they invaded Korea\and massacred\or kidnapped the Koreans in large numbers\and plundered their wealth at random.

At that time, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the chieftain of Japanese aggressors,\ordered to cut off the noses of Koreans. This clearly shows the cruelty of the Japs.

According to his\order, bosses of Japanese pirates\ordered every soldier to cut off three noses of Koreans\and judged their “military merits” with the number of cut noses.

They also openly kidnapped Koreans. A scholar kidnapped by the Japs said: Japanese ship was full of Koreans, men\and women,\and corpses were scattered over the beach.

Entering the second half of the 19th century, the Japs revealed their congenital aggressive disposition\and brutal nature.

The Japanese imperialists, descendants of pirates, killed Empress Myongsong of the feudal Joson dynasty in 1895, poisoned Emperor Kojong in 1919\and militarily occupied Korea for 40 years in the first half of the 20th century. They drafted millions of young Koreans\and forced them to do slave labour\and serve as cannon fodders for their aggressive war,\and reduced over 200 000 Korean women into sexual slaves for their imperial army.

Still today, Japan is running amuck to harm the dignity\and fundamental interests of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Far rom apologizing\and compensating for its crime-woven history against the Korean nation, it is making desperate efforts to realize its old dream for the “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere” at any cost.

Japan is the sworn enemy of the Korean nation.

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