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북녘 | Developing WPK into people's party, motherly party

페이지 정보

작성자 편집국 작성일24-04-11 07:13 댓글0건


Developing WPK into people's party, motherly party 


President Kim Il Sung, founding father of socialist Korea, was born in April 1912\and the Korean people’s first genuine armed group was also founded in April 1932.


And the President was awarded the title of DPRK Generalissimo for his exploits for the country\and people in April 1992.


In April 1993, the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il was elected chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission in accordance with the unanimous will of all the Korean people\and in April 2012, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was elected first chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission.


As seen above, April is a special month of many significant days for the Korean people.


Among the days is the historic one when Kim Jong Un was elected first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea.


He was elected first secretary of the WPK at its Fourth Conference on April 11 2012.


From the day the Party could develop into the one firmly carrying forward its character\and nature\and successfully fulfil the key tasks for strengthening itself as a whole in the new era.


At the beginning of the new century of the Juche era, Kim Jong Un set forth the programme of modelling the whole Party on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, thus firmly establishing the political\and ideological backbone for preserving its revolutionary character forever. He then said it is the only justification for its existence\and its best index\and eternal nature that it is a party of the people.


He further developed the WPK into a powerful political General Staff by improving all aspects of its work in a fresh way as required by the new era.


The five-point Party-building line in the new era constitutes an eternal Party-building programme which indicates the path for developing the WPK into a promising party\and a powerful ideological\and theoretical weapon which provided a sure guarantee for victoriously accelerating the building of socialism\and communism by remarkably enhancing its leadership role.


Kim Jong Un turned the WPK into a people's party with its root taken deep among the masses of the people, a genuine motherly party, by dint of the people-first politics.


All his thoughts\and activities begin with the word people.


Therefore, the WPK\and the DPRK government initiate in succession\and unconditionally carry out the projects to fulfil the cherished desire for the people in spite of extreme difficulties.


Under the wise leadership of the WPK, magnificent streets, socialist ideal villages, many factories conducive to improving the people’s living standards\and cultural\and leisure activity centres have sprung up in the DPRK.


The Kangdong Greenhouse Complex, which was recently completed\and inaugurated, is the epitome of Kim Jong Un’s love for the people\and devoted service for them.


By becoming the initiator, operator\and owner of the construction of the complex, he clearly indicated the scheme\and ways to complete the project in the shortest possible period, ranging rom the\selection of the site to the formation of construction force\and the supply of materials,\and led the construction step by step.


He examined more than 300 mock-ups, including the master plan for the construction of the complex\and its bird’s-eye-view design,\and over 3 280 technical designs.


The Korean people celebrate every year the historic day when he was elected first secretary of the WPK as they know that the Korean revolution for realizing the independence of the masses of the people has always advanced successfully since the day.



[이 게시물은 편집국님에 의해 2024-04-11 07:14:22 새 소식에서 복사 됨]
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